Tuesday, October 13, 2015

ARTIST: Scott Robertson

Scott Robertson is an American concept artist from Plymouth, Minnesota. He is best known for his design work in movies such as Steven Spielberg's Minority Report.

Robertson's work looks vastly different to the other artists we have looked at like Daniel Simon and Bobby Chiu.

Robertson:                                          Chiu:

        Simon's work seems to be more 3 dimesional compared to the other 2 pictures. What Chiu does different from the other artist is that his art doesn't involve cars, instead he draws monsters. Robertson's work looks more like concept art-- an unfinished product.
Having a clear understanding of design methods makes an artist better because it makes your art look organize and more professional.
 Investing a lot of time and focus make an artist better at their craft. Practicing over and over and over helps you get better and focusing on what you are doing helps with your practicing. I think Robertson have been practicing for 29 years. Simon has been practicing for 16 years and Chiu has been drawing since he was 2 years of age.
Robertson's work:



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